Barskoon (Arabel) Syrts
Through Barskoon gorge runs the highway that connects the pass Barskoon (3754 m), the Issyk Kul basin and mountainous area of the Inner Tien-Shan.

Through Barskoon gorge runs the highway that connects the pass Barskoon (3754 m), the Issyk Kul basin and mountainous area of the Inner Tien-Shan. The southern slope of the pass is quite flat, and gradually moves into syrt. Syrt is a high plain. Here constantly blows the wind, and coldness prevails.
The average annual temperature is -7-8°C. Severe climate is many ways affected the plant world. There are no trees and shrubs, only a low dense grass, mosses and lichens can be seen around. However, you can rarely see such a beautiful landscape. Here, at the altitude of 4000 m, small lakes with a strikingly clear water, unimaginable green and brown space with grazing wild rams and ice caps, which seem to be quite close, are perfectly combined with each other.