Issyk-Ata Gorge
Issykata gorge located 77 km from Bishkek is famous for its mineral geothermal springs. The famous resort is situated here, where the healing power of water is used to treat a number of different diseases.

Issykata gorge located 77 km from Bishkek is famous for its mineral geothermal springs. The famous resort is situated here, where the healing power of water is used to treat a number of different diseases. This power was even learnt by ancient people. This fact is proved by the image of Buddha-healer carved in stone, dating back to the period of 2nd -7th centuries.
The gorge is surrounded by mountains, which becoming higher, turn into a zone of beautiful green alpine meadows. The bottom of the gorge is cut up by riverbeds of mountain streams. You can also see several small waterfalls there.