The Rescue Mountain Tashtar-Ata
To the north of Bishkek, at the beginning the Tien Shan Mountains, a unique spiritual and architectural complex Tashtar-Ata is situated.

To the north of Bishkek, at the beginning the Tien Shan Mountains, a unique spiritual and architectural complex Tashtar-Ata is situated. People say that this place is located on the border of ages: it remembers the conquests of Alexander the Great and Tamerlane and religious rituals of the pagans, and now it gives people hope and opportunity to know themselves.
The heart of the complex Tashtar-Ata is a man-made mountain of huge stones, which is called the Rescue Mountain. It was created by hundreds of people who tried to get out of their severe illness - drug addiction. As a part of treatment and rehabilitation programs conducted in the clinic of well-known doctor Jenishbek Nazaraliev, a patient must complete this special ritual: climb on a mountain with a heavy stone in his hands and leave it there to symbolize attainment of freedom from the disease.
The surrounding area around Rescue Mountain is almost calm, and you can even feel an unusual spirit of the people who have found the strength to overcome their ordeal. Near the mountain there was built a chapel uniting four world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.