Tears of Bars Waterfall
The waterfall Tears of a Bars (Snow Leopard) is the most famous waterfall in the gorge of Barskoon. This unique object is the state natural sanctuary.

The waterfall Tears of a Bars (Snow Leopard) is the most famous waterfall in the gorge of Barskoon. This unique object is the state natural sanctuary. Water rushes down from the height of about 100 m. So there is always much noise near the waterfall, and it’s impossible to distinguish other sounds.
Falling down the rock the water shatters into millions of droplets scattering around ten meters. In winter ice bounds the waterfall, and it becomes like a fairy palace between ice cliffs. At any time of the year Tears of Bars Waterfall is a grand spectacle that makes a traveler admire the splendor and the power of nature.