Our company guide assistant will wait for you up at Manas Int. Airhub and lift you up to Bishkek City (30 min. by automobile). First entire day would be dedicated to an advanced Bishkek City Tour. Tour includes in itself the visiting of such places of interest as: Ploshad Pobedy (Victory Square), Duboviy Park (Oak Park), Ploshad Ala-Too (Ala-Too square), the History Museum, National philharmonic and many others places upon your request. It is not a real city tour without visiting real central-Asian Bazaar! We will show it for you today and you'll be able to make a lot of photos in there! Osh and Orto-Sai bazaars are very colorful and noisy. People sell there all kinds of goods. Traditional kyrgyz dinner will be served at 7 pm. Accomodation on pre-booked hotel.