Heli-Ski in Kyrgyzstan, goals and perspectives

Kyrgyzstan is a land of mountains, with more than 90 Tien-Shan mountain ranges and 8000 glaciers that stay chill at summer. It’s truly a place where that would be strange if you don’t like skiing! Closest skiing bases are 15-50 kilometers away from Bishkek and you can reach them in half an hour tops.
Whenever you go across the Kyrgyzstan, you will see mountains and gorges, that call you for a ski challenge. But many of them too distant, hiding in the clouds and mist with no roads to reach them. These mountain sides have never been conquered by anyone and such places are scattered throughout the Kyrgyzstan, and a soul of a man, who is inspired by the freeride strives to reach them. You can ski along the mountain passes by using car, go by foot or ride a horse but this may be not enough for us! We want to go to the places, where no man has ever stepped before! But these mountains are still far away, silent, distant and unreachable…
But there is a solution – a helicopter! Only helicopter would let you reach your dream! Heliski! Heliboarding! This is what we need!
… Last ten years we regularly travel with our guests by helicopter, and many of them became our friends, and some of them traveled here 3-4 times already. We work with experienced riders and freeriders – sport enthusiasts like us from West Europe, Asian region and across the globe. For last couple of years we also got interest from our country fellows. Many people have a false belief that heliski is for hotheads but we are strongly disagree with that! Many of our guests are ordinary people with average health and simple love towards skiing. We earned an experience with people from 8 to 74 years old, and those are actual ages of our guests, who enjoyed heliski! We are always open to sharing experience with our guests and always support them along the way, teaching them how to love and understand majestic Tien-Shan snow.
Perspectives of heliski development in Kyrgyzstan are tremendous, and now we work in two regions – at Issyk-Kul (400 km away from Bishkek) and at Suusamyr valley (150 km from Bishkek).
Issyk-Kul has been a ski spot for over twenty years and variety of ski slopes is astonishing! You can choose from forest zone to high-altitude glaciers at the height of 4500 meters. Suusamyr has also a lot to offer, it’s a brand new and perspective place with variety of trails, tested by our team. We have mountains that counted to 400 human descends on them per one helicopter drop. And each time it was on a perfectly new snow! It saves a lot of helo fuel and we can afford 10 to 16 group drops by helo. Each program on one mountain includes from 2 to 4 mountain sides, which allows us to save the gambling spirit of discovery.
We continue our work and explore new places in Kyrgyzstan that are available for heliski and our goal is to broaden our active areas of heliski.
Power & Joy is our motto and we are happy to share our joy of pure snow, speed and beautiful mountains of Kyrgyzstan with you!
Author: Mountain Project