Teshik-Kul Lake
Teshik-Kul Lake is located about 38 km. from the village Bokonbaevo. It is located in the end of Karakaman valley at an altitude of 3500 m.

Teshik-Kul Lake is located about 38 km. from the village Bokonbaevo. It is located in the end of Karakaman valley at an altitude of 3500 m. Teshik-Kul is actually divided into two parts, which are linked by a picturesque waterfall.
The lake can be reached through the pass Zhalpak-Bel (3300 m.) from the west or through the pass Ton (4020 m.) from the east. Hot springs are situated near the lake, where you can plunge with health benefits. On the way to lake you can meet nomads and drink kymyz.