The village Bokonbaevo is the center of Ton district of Issyk Kul region. It is located on the southern shore of Lake Issyk Kul.

The village Bokonbaevo is the center of Ton district of Issyk Kul region. It is located on the southern shore of Lake Issyk Kul, roughly in the middle of the road connecting towns Balykchi and Karakol.
Crystal clear and fresh mountain air, the bright green meadows, silent mountains and hills make this place a paradise for fans of ecotourism. Nearby are several Yurt Camps. Residents of the village are engaged mainly in agriculture and craftsmanship, in which they really succeeded.
The village even has a craft center and a museum of applied arts. Near Bokonbaevo you can also visit the radon hot springs, the ancient settlement Khan Debe and mounds Tuuara-Suu (6th - 5th century BC).