Jalal-Abad Region
This region is one of the three areas that form the southern part of the country, different from the north part in the territorial, cultural and socio-economic aspects

Sacred Valley
Jalal-Abad region occupies the western part of Kyrgyzstan. This region is one of the three areas that form the southern part of the country, different from the north part in the territorial, cultural and socio-economic aspects. Jalal-Abad region is "The Sacred Valley" because most of its territory lies in a valley, and you can visit a number of sacred places of antiquity and holy places for Muslims. These are the gallery of petroglyphs Saimaluu-Tash, the walnut and fruit forests of Arslanbob, the historical and architectural complex of the Shakh-Fazil and many other attractions. For many centuries people have deeply revered them and made a pilgrimage to them.
The territory of the region is formed by part of the wider Fergana Valley and it is surrounded almost on all sides by massive mountain ranges. To the west it borders with Uzbekistan. The population of Jalal-Abad region is not more than one million people.
There was built the largest in the Central Asia Toktogul water reservoir and big hydroelectric power station that can be called a real man-made wonder. At the same time, the beautiful natural water object is the Lake Sary-Chelek, which is a part of the Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve. It must be emphasized that the main pride of the region are the walnut and fruit forests of Arslanbob which are unique not only within the country but also around the world. Hiking and horse riding through these places will impress any traveler.
Jalal-Abad has a great potential for health tourism. Not far from the regional center, the city of Jalal-Abad, there is the resort with mineral springs of the same name.
Tours to the holy places are also common here. They allow you not only to understand and learn the culture and belied of the people, but also to relax mentally.
It’s interesting to make a winter hike in Chychkan gorge, Arslanbob or Sary-Chelek Reserve. Winter cold and snow everywhere, and the silence create an unprecedented sense of mystery, as if time and nature stop around you.