Water Points

Chuy Region

Kel-Kogur Lake

Kel-Kogur Lake is a hidden gem located in Kemin district of the Chuy region, deep in Kungei Ala-Too Mountains.
Chuy Region

Kegety Waterfall

At the entrance to Kegety gorge, at the distance of just 100 m from the road, you can enjoy a wonderful view of the waterfall coming down a steep cliff.
Chuy Region

Zhashyl​​-Kel Lake

Jashyl-Kol (Zhashyl​​-Kel) Lake, which is translated from Kyrgyz as "green lake", is located in Chon-Kemin valley, at the altitude of about 3200 m.
Chuy Region

Kel-Tor Lake

Kel-Tor Lake, which is considered one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in the Northern Tien Shan.