Kyzyl -Tuu is located on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul , 230 km from Bishkek. The village has a population of about 1,800 people.

Kyzyl -Tuu village is located on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul , 230 km from Bishkek. The village has a population of about 1,800 people and most of them are engaged in manufacturing the traditional Kyrgyz home – a yurt.
Kyzyl -Tuu is a popular destination among travelers, where you can stay in a comfortable guesthouse or a yurt, and discover the art of yurt building in special workshops. A festival, Kiyiz Duino, displaying the traditions and customs of the Kyrgyz people is held annually with thousands of people in attendance in Kyzyl –Tuu.
A popular tourist destination, not far from the village, is the Tuz-Kol, Dead Lake, which is often compared to the Dead Sea in Israel.