5 of the Most Popular Dairy Products in Kyrgyzstan

The first time I sat down with a nomadic family for dinner, I lost count of how many dairy products were on the table. I couldn’t believe it! There was cream, kurut, fresh butter, kymyz, fresh milk for tea, and the list goes on. Looking back, I don’t know why it surprised me so much though. It makes perfect sense - herding culture equals access to lots of milk. I’m just glad I’m not lactose intolerant!
Since a nomadic lifestyle is the backbone of Kyrgyz culture, it influences much of the cuisine in Kyrgyzstan. Travelers making their way through the country will notice this in the massive amounts of dairy products they find available. Here are some of the most popular:
The national drink in Kyrgyzstan is slightly fermented mare’s milk called kymyz. Kymyz is served to guests in yurt camps to show hospitality. Even if you only stop by to visit someone in their yurt camp for a moment, expect a nice big bowl of kymyz before you leave. Kymyz is also known for its positive health effects; people go on straight kymyz diets for weeks which are said to clean out your system. You can buy fresh kymyz from May to August. People sell it in bottles other times of the year as well, but it’s not as good.
И так, если вы путешествуете по Кыргызстану, это стоит того, чтобы попробовать что-нибудь из этого списка, хотя бы разочек. На первый взгляд они могут показаться немного странными по вкусу для иностранца, но я уверена, что что-нибудь вам однозначно понравится. Я бы порекомендовала начать с каймака, а потом попробовать или курут или кымыз. Плюс ко всему, сказав, что вы попробовали «ВСЁ» очень обрадует любого Кыргызстанца.